Grand Prince Thai & Chinese Restaurant

Greetings from Grand Prince Thai & Chinese Restaurant. Prince Brand is Famous in Bangladeshi Food production industries, Since 1985. Prince Group start the business in consumer food products industries. Now we are Exporting our food all major country of the world and importing quality raw materials for our food industries, from differnt countries. From the very begining The Prince Brand’s Toast, Biscuit, Chanachur, Lascha Semai were very popular to customer. We have always take care and maintaining about our Quality. As a result we become very popular in Dhaka North bigger city mirpur area. Our Local and international Populerity and prosperity inspired to start Grand Prince Thai & Chinese Restaurant. Now We have Started our Shopping Mall and food business Mirpur-1 is the Head Branch, 2. Mohammadpur is our 2nd Branch and 3rd branch is Shyamoli that we have recently opened, 4th branch in Pallabi is under construction. Hoping very soon we will open our 4th branch. We are cordially requesting and inviting you to visit and just taste our restaurant and consumer food inshallah, impeccable service and food quality will impress you. Our expert chefs specialize in Bangladeshi, Chinese, and Thai food. So we can declare confidently that our food will satisfied to you. All of our restaurant situated on the top of Prince Bazar Limited.

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