The Glasshouse Brasserie

The Glasshouse Brasserie welcomes you to come and explore an ambience of fine dining with an assortment of gastronomic indulgences. The Glasshouse Brasserie welcomes you to come and explore an ambience of fine dining with an assortment of gastronomic indulgences. The rooftop view as well as the open-seating arrangement will help you to unwind from the everyday whirlwind of your life and simply enjoy the mixed cuisine prepared by the chef. The Glasshouse Brasserie will be bringing you food made with the freshest ingredients. The innovative taste and food presentation will tempt you to come back again and again. The open kitchen will ensure customers of complete hygiene; the service staff will ensure to make your time at the restaurant comfortable. Takes Reservations, Walk-Ins Welcome, Good For Groups, Take Out, Delivery, Waiter Service and Outdoor Seating * Burgers, Fast Food, French, Mexican, Seafood, Steakhouses and Thai * Lunch and Dinner

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