Elite Group of Industries

Established in 1978, Elite is a comprehensive industrial entity with more than ten subsidiary enterprises engaging in the development and production of mechanical, electronic, optical equipment, precision machinery, business machines and high technology products. With facilities in Shenzhen, Nantau, Dongguan, Shaoguan, Changshu of China covering more than 390,000 m2, and sales offices extending from China, Asia, Europe to the US, ELITE plays a leading role in the electronics and telecommunication industry. We are committed to meeting your manufacturing requirements with speed to the market, and providing excellent product quality and full-service product design. Our staff bring with them years of experience from facets of electronic industry specialising in various product lines. With strong research and development teams in the US, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Shanghai, Elite is among the best manufacturers in the world for high technology electronic products such as 3G and 3.5G mobile phones and VoIP phones.

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