Karmo Group of Industries

Karmo Group of Industries is the first company in Bangladesh to have started the production of Polyurethane products. We have started our journey from 1965. For the past 30 years we have been outlasting our competitor’s brands providing consumers with comfortable and convenient Polyurethane products. Today Karmo is the leading Industry in formulation and manufacturing of rigid and flexible polyurethane products. Karmo has never been doubted by its consumers before because of our consistency and dedication when it comes to Quality and Customer satisfaction. Karmo has the largest Raw Materials stocks in Bangladesh to ensure a smooth production and delivery system to its customers. Karmo imports Raw Materials from the largest and renowned Multinational chemical companies throughout the world namely BASF, MOMENTIVE, SHELL, MITSUI and DOW etc. Karmo uses the “STATE OF THE ART” technologies and machineries to ensure the best customer satisfaction and consistent Quality of our products. As we believe in staying in the peak of Comfort and Luxury we have extensive usage of advanced technologies and computerized machineries in the production line. Our versatile flexible and rigid Custom Formulated Products can be found in the adhesive, taxidermy and custom-molding industries as well as in many other applications. We develop both formulations and applications expertise for each customer’s unique requirements. HEAD OFFICE 95, Motijheel. C/A, Ibrahim Chamber (4th floor) Dhaka – 1000 + 8802 9558335, +8802 9558191 info@karmogroup.com HEAD OFFICE info@karmogroup.com info@karmogroup.com info@karmogroup.com

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