
Dotcreat is an advertising agency. In short we can say we are the complete package for marketing, branding & promotions for your products or services. * What we do? These are some branches of our daily works - Branding - Strategic Planning - Media & Creative Production - Media Planning & Buying - Television, Newspaper, magazine advertising - Design studios for all type of artworks for the advertisements - Indoor and outdoor advertising all types - Production of Television commercial, radio advertising - Banners and Hoardings anywhere any size any type - Internet ( web ) advertising - Still photography, modelling photography, commercial photography - Product launching / promoting - Market survey of products - Product marketing and promoting - Flying billboards, bus wrapping - Printing of all posters, banners, catalogs - Outdoor - Events - Research - Urban - Social communications & activation *** Few are mentioned but we have still more activities which can be discussed during your project assignment. *Why we are unique ? We call our self unique cause we believe that we provide high quality services. Our clients are our first priority. So we offer Flexible arrangement for our clients. Our goal is to develop an initial relationship.

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