Times PR

Times PR is a company founded solely for PR (Public Relations). We are a Bangladeshi PR firm serving both global and local clients with expertise in Communication Management, Corporate Brand Management, Public/Government Sector Management, Crisis Management etc. Times PR Advertising is our traditional full service creative agency that provides clients with through the line advertising and brand consultancy services. Times PR Activation are our brand activation, rural outreach and events management agency that provides clients with 360 degree touch points on the ground, in-store or anywhere that traditional media fails to touch consumers. We create memorable brand-consumer interaction that brings alive the brand experience. Times PR is an associates-based public relations agency that draws on the strengths of senior practitioners. Clients benefit from this approach in many ways, especially in the contribution seasoned pros can quickly make to their business. We like to think of our approach as providing big agency thinking with a small agency attitude. Times PR Marketing Solutions is our direct marketing, trade marketing and one-to-one customer engagement agency that provides clients direct marketing capabilities, trade merchandising support and digital solutions. Times PR plans, analyzes, and creates visual solutions to communications problems. We work closely with our clients to decide the most effective way of conveying messages in print and electronic media using a variety of methods incorporating color, text, illustrations, photography, animation, and various print and layout techniques. We have the expertise for magazines, newspapers, journals, corporate reports and other publications.

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