Dhaka Residential Model College

Dhaka Residential Model Collegeis an educational institution situated at the heart of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. This institution was established to provide quality education to the gifted students of the erstwhile East Pakistan. It was established in 1960 by the then military dictator of Pakistan to train the smart students as future leading army officers. The school and later the college were modelled after Public Schools in UK (According to the British Public Schools Act 1868), particularly Eton College. After the independence of Bangladesh, the school and college became one of the best educational institutions of the country. DRMC has a big area of around 50 acre. It is a boarding institution. It has 6 big houses with a very congenial atmosphere. The junior wing houses are "Jainul Abedin House" and "Qudrat-E-Khuda House". Each hall has the capability of taking around 200 students. The senior wing houses are "Kazi Nazrul Islam House", "Fazlul Haque House", "Lalan Shah Housel" and "Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah House". Each hall has the capability of housing more than 120 students. The main attraction of the college is its open fields and the greenery. It has more than 12 football fields which is very rare in the congested Dhaka city. The compound also incorporates 5 teacher's quarters, staff's quarters, a modern Mosque, a pond, 3 basketball courts, several volleyball courts, a big laundry shop, a modern auditorium, an official building and two academic buliding. The classes are taken in the "Academic Building 1" and the "Academic Building 2". From class 3 to class 8, classes are called junior wing, and from class 9 to class 12, classes are called senior wing. The standard of education at DRMC is very high. It has some modern laboratories for performing experiments, a big and rich library.The teachers of this school are highly qualified,very friendly and supportive. The school organizes extra-curricular activities every week for all classes which goes a long way to nourish the personality and individuality of the students. It makes a student a perfect all rounder. DRMC is contributing a lot to produce necessary talents for Bangladesh.

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