Hurdco International School

HURDCO International School was established in 1997 with the joint effort of some overseas Bangladeshis and a number of entrepreneurs living in the country. The prime consideration for establishment of the School is to impart quality education of international standard to the students in Bangladesh at a reasonable cost. It is a private English Medium School that follows the British curricula and owned & run by HUman Resources Development COmpany (HURDCO). ⁞⁞ Daily Star Awards: O-Level = 139 & A-Level = 20 ⁞⁞ World's Highest Scores: ..... MD. Raziun Bin Momtaz (Maths D) in 2011 ..... Nafisa Ismail (Accounting) in 2011 ..... Faiyad Rahman Chowdhury (Accounting) in 2007 ⁞⁞ Others: ..... Year 2012 ..... National Physics Olympiad (by: BPOA) = 1st & 2nd ..... Maths Olympiad (by: AIS) = 1st, 2nd & 5th ..... General Knowledge Competition (by: IUB) = 3rd & 4th ..... Intercollegiate Maths Olympiad (by: IUB) = 2nd & 3rd ..... National Maths Olympiad (by: BMOC) = 2nd ..... Year 2011 ..... Maths Olympiad 2011 (by: AIS) = 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th (total 5 in 3 division) ..... Inter-school Essay Competition (by: DAAK) = 1st ..... National Physics Olympiad (by: BPOA) = 4th ..... Science Olympiad (by: Daffodil University) = 1st (total 2, combined) ..... Biochemistry Olympiad (by: Dhaka University) = Champion (A Level) ..... Year 2009 ..... Biochemistry Olympiad (by: Dhaka University) = Champion (A Level) ..... Biochemistry Olympiad (by: Dhaka University) = Champion (O Level)

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