
Whether you're out on a business lunch, romantic dinner or just a drink after a busy day, Coentro is just the right place for you. Coentro is a fusion restaurant offering a variety of dishes inspired by Latin America & Mediterranean cuisines. We believe in using premium quality meats and the freshest of ingredients. Our talented and expert culinary team promises a memorable experience every time. If its dinner, snacks or just to relax, nothing is complete without one of our sweet, tangy or soul warming creations from the bar. End on a sweet note with a sweet temptation from our dessert selection. Little fireflies hanging overhead, cast a warm glow throughout the restaurant and coupled with quality service we thrive to create a calm and relaxed atmosphere for you and your loved ones to sit back, relax and enjoy the gastronomic creativity that Coentro has to offer! * Greek and Mediterranean and Latin American * Lunch, Dinner, Coffee and Drinks * Visa, Mastercard and Cash

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