Sa Meh Wa Meh

Sa Meh Wa Meh brings you authentic Khao Swe! Khao Swe is a delectable Burmese dish consisting of noodles in a curried chicken prepared with a coconut milk broth. The dish is accompanied by a multitude of toppings of your choice such as sliced raw onions, chillies, crisp noodles, slices of hard-boiled egg, and zested with lime or lemon juice. The toppings are the best part of the meal because you can customsze the soup according to your taste! Every home has its own version, with the basics remaining the same. Usually what differs is the amount and type of toppings and the thickness of the soup or the amount of coconut milk used. But why is a Burmese noodle soup so common in Bangladesh? * Take Out, Delivery and Catering * Lunch and Dinner * Cash Only Hotline-01865662606

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