BRTC (Dhaka – Kolkata International Service)

Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) was established as a government corporate transport body with a view to provide modern mass communication service to esteemed passengers throughout the country. Moreover, BRTC is meant to play strategic interventional role in road transport sector and to render emergency service during times of natural calamities. BRTC has been able to carry out these services with the fullest satisfaction of the stake holders. 1. Two buses are being operated between Dhaka - Kolkata every day having 40 seating capacity. These are fully air-conditioned and Super Deluxe Buses of international standard. 2. No buses are operated on Sunday from either side. 3. Fare is BDT. 1500/- (for two ways) per passenger (US $ 22.00/passenger) 4. From Dhaka one Bus starts at 7:00 a.m. and another at 7:30 a.m. (BST) and Similarly 2 buses from Kolkata starts at 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. (IST) 5. Bangladesh Buses are operated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Indian buses are operated on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday from Bangladesh side and Visa-vi'z. 6. Maximum 20 KG goods are allowed for each passenger. Dhaka: 02-8357757, 02-8356720, 02-9333803 Kolkata: 91-33-23591076, 91-33-22521049

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