Ena Paribahan (Dhaka-Mymensingh)

Miscellaneous: Passengers should to reach at bus stand at least before 20 minutes. Every passenger can carry luggage of maximum 10 kilogram weight with him/her. Additional charge will have to give in case of more than 10 kg weight of luggage. Passengers cannot carry illegal goods with him/her. In case of carrying illegal goods, the authority is not responsible for that. Smoking is not allowed in bus. Passengers should take a token after giving their luggage in bus bunker and keep that token safe for receiving their luggage back. Hand bags and other goods in the bus, passengers have to keep under their own responsibility. If passengers come late at the bus stand and miss the bus, transport fare will not be given back to them. Departure Time from Dhaka: Mymensingh: 5:30 am & 5:30 pm Netrokona: 6:00 am & 6:00 pm Jamalpur: 6:30 am & 6:30 pm Sherpur: 7:30 am & 7:30 pm Tangail: 8:00 am & 8:00 pm Ticket Fares from Dhaka (Per head fare at BDT): Mymensingh: Tk. 180 Netrokona: Tk. 220 Jamalpur: Tk. 300 Sherpur: Tk. 250 Tangail: Tk. 220

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