Xpert Visa Council

XPERT VISA COUNCIL is a prominent name in the field of student placement and immigration service. The firm has been providing these services since its inception in 2007. It has been successfully providing its services and a good number of people have already been immigrated in many countries via CANADA, UK & AUSTRALIA In the same way a certain number of students have been obtaining international education in abroad. In the mean time the firm has created a well reputation in the immigration and student placement arena through its services. The reputation of this firm is increasing day by day. Xpert Visa Council has occupied with a group of young, energetic and dynamic individuals who have depth knowledge about immigration law and student counseling. Mr. Md. Masud Alam Sarkar, Md.Saiful Islam a young talented immigration law expert who has stared his career in immigration services in 2003, is the founder and Managing Director of this firm.

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