Xinxian Chinese Restaurant

Founded in 1992, X-group Chain Restaurant is one of the largest and leading restaurant service businesses in Bangladesh. One of our group’s restaurants named Xiamen was successfully established in Dhanmondi, Dhaka. It was the first ever restaurant which started a new era for this group. Since then we have successfully established ten (10) restaurants in different prime locations of Dhaka city. We offer lavishly decorated dish and large space for clients along with multi cuisine menus, especially Thai Cuisine, Chinese Cuisine, Indian Cuisine and Cultural foods. All of our restaurants have homely and well-secured environment to organize party & programs. Each restaurant has been designed and supervised by some of the top Architects and Engineers who has given more priority on local tradition and heritage while designing. Contemporary decor, large car parking, concealed lighting, air conditioning and comfortable seating along with effective and friendly staff make the X-Group Chain Restaurant perfect menu/venue for lunch & dinner all the year round. Outside catering and corporate services are also available with us.

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