Women’s Doll Beauty Parlour

Welcome to Women’s Doll Beauty Parlour. An exclusive Beauty salon, situated in the busiest city Dhaka and quite city Rajshahi, next to mighty river Padma. As we celebrate our 15th anniversary as a company, we are celebrating 15 years of exceptional talent, leadership, innovation, and operational excellence. At Women’s doll, we have committed to offer the ultimate experience in Beauty treatment. Our services are delivered in a professional and friendly manner. Our mission is to provide safe, sanitary and suitable services to our clients. Our attitude and perfection is the clear reflection of our services. We want our client to feel beautiful from both the inside and out. Our team are commited to make you feel your best. We are constantly looking to improve our services by keeping our staff abreast with latest products, techniques, and services in the beauty industry, we want to pass on the best to you. Together we will create a new, confident glowing you.

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