Willes Little Flower Higher Secondary School

The school was originally housed in a two-storey 19th century building, which formed an example of British architecture, but this building has recently been demolished. Three six-storey modern buildings have been constructed within the campus, and they house most of the academic classrooms. It is one of the few private schools in Bangladesh that has a significant campus. It also has a playground, a rarity among Dhaka schools. At the interior field, there is a fountain at the center, surrounded by an under-construction garden. Academic activities It has both English and Bengali media system of education. Currently around 5500 students are studying in this school. Recently, the school changed its name to Willes Little Flower Higher Secondary School. The new administration is trying to change the school. It is now one of the few (perhaps only) school in Bangladesh that has both Bangla Medium and complete English Medium. When the school began its journey, in 1956, it was only English Medium. Teachers and Students Most of the teachers of the school are well-experienced and sincere to the students and the school. Many teachers have been teaching here for more than 25 years. But the school authority of 5-6 years' back, employed many in-experienced teachers, which affected its education system. The system of admitting students in the school has been very poor. Many students, with very low grades were admitted, making the school to lack in quality. But the school has some satisfactory and very significant achievements in SSC and O'Levels.

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