Walton Plaza (Bijoy Sarani)

Walton is the latest multinational electrical, electronics, automobiles and other appliances brand with one of the largest well equipped R & D facilities in the world carried out its production through different subsidiaries under the banner of Walton group headquarters in Bangladesh. Walton had entered into electronics business in 1994 with manufacturing of electrical and electronic items and gradually expanded its operation in many other electronics field that provide the foundation for nearly every aspect of modern life. The key secret behind the success of Walton lays its variation of production capacity and customized orientation of new product as per the demand of customer. World class machineries like Thermoforming, Channel Extrusion, ABS/HIPS Sheet Extrusion, Magnetic Strip Extrusion, PP Hollow Sheet Extrusion, VMC, 5 axis VMC, Ultrasonic Welding, Injection Molding, Styrofoam Making, Hi Speed Power Press, Fin Press, Corrugation, SMT pick and place, SPG printing machine, AOI machine, Tamura wave solder machine, Auto insertion machine are being used for the production of high quality products of Walton. Along the way, Walton has earned domestic and global recognition for its experience and proven track record in a variety of electronics fields. Walton is the pioneer of developing state of the art designs and modern technology having leading market share specializing in Multi-Stored Refrigerators, Freezers, Air Conditioners, LED/ LCD televisions, Motorcycles, Smart Phones and Home Appliances. Crossing local boundaries, Walton brands are recognized globally exporting more than 17 countries and by 2020 the presence of Walton will be ensured almost every country in the world. Walton's Innovation is dedicated to building a more advanced society through the fusion of sophisticated technologies having the capacity of 3.00 million refrigerator, 0.30 million Air conditioner, 0.15 million Motorcycle and 1.5 million Television per annum respectively. The entire Walton Group having more than 21,000 direct & indirect employees are working together to overcome the challenges to go top most market and meet customer demands throughout the world by implementing its unique Social Innovation globally. The retail organs of Walton runs through more than 4000 plazas, exclusive distributors and dealers. Walton has more than 57 modern and well equipped after sales service points along with ISO certified central service point. It enables to address the issues customer face from a common point of view to develop solutions that combine the required products.

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