Uttara Cable Network (Uttara 2)

Uttara Cable Network (UCN) and United Communications & Services (UCS) started as Intrepid International providing Cable TV service from early 1993 in Uttara and Banani Residential Area. To ease operations and licensing requirements, Intrepid was split in UCN and UCS in late 90’s. Intrepid Internatinal started giving Cable TV and ISP service as separate entity in Baridhara DOHS area. In 2006 UCS acquired ISP license to provide internet service and is now providing Cable TV & Internet service in DOHS-Banani, Banani, Gulshan and Baridhara area. UCN provides Cable TV service in Uttara Model Town and surrounding area and provides logistical backup to UCS to provide Internet service in the area covered by UCN. The firms jointly started deploying FIBER Optic cable to provide connectivity between Uttara-Banani-Baridhara-Uttara loop and surrounding area from early 2002. It has also done major installation & commissioning work for many Cable TV and ISP firms including UCS Ltd, Amara Networks, Metronet, Alap Communications, Chittagong Online to name a few. Our Strengths Fibre optic backbone for high speed internet connectivity Strong, highly experienced team 24/7 support Hot spots in every sector of the city 24/7 backup in case of power failure

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