The Way Dhaka

The Way Dhaka is a hotel situated at Gulshan in the economic hub of Dhaka. The hotel offers a variety of air conditioned rooms and suites. The rooms are luxuriously furnished with clean beds, side table, work desk, satellite television, closet and an extra seating arrangement. Most rooms have adjoining balconies and allow fresh sunlight and air to pass freely through the rooms. The en suite bathrooms come with luxury toiletries and tub and shower.The hotel houses a restaurant that serves local and international cuisine. Private dining is available at all times with the help of their 24 hour room service. There is a swimming pool and a gymnasium for the health enthusiasts. The guests seeking for rejuvenation can spend their in the pool.The hotel offers room service, business center, Wifi connection, conference facilities, and airport shuttle and manages 24 hour electricity in the premises. The premises are strictly guarded by security personnel and parking space is available for guests.

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