The Upstairs Lounge & Bistro

The Upstairs Lounge & bistro is created with a passion to provide an enjoyable space for spending your leisure hours, whenever during the day that may be. every aspect of our premise is carefully tailored to make your visit the most enjoyable and relaxing as possible. Good food and beverages along with great in house & live music and exceptional service is at the core of our business's philosophy. The rest is for our patrons to discover & for us to strive to make better. Created with an inspiration to "Redefine Leisure" and to create a space which takes "Wasting time" extremely seriously. * Takes Reservations, Walk-Ins Welcome, Good For Groups, Take Out, Delivery, Catering and Waiter Service * Lunch, Dinner, Coffee and Drinks * American (New), British, Brunch, Creperies, Delis, French, Greek and Mediterranean, Hot Dogs, Italian, Sandwiches, Steakhouses and Vegetarian * Visa and American Express

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