The Stage ( Dhanmondi)

'The Stage' is a cozy little cafe right in the heart of Dhanmondi, overlooking a beautiful lake right across the street. It brings you a delectable cuisine, tasteful live music, and a warm service to make your time with us a memorable experience. 'The Stage' is where You - the musician, the singer, the poet, the painter, the photographer, the comedian, the entertainer, get to showcase your talents to an appreciative audience. 'The Stage' is where you can hear the heartbeat of the city through undiscovered talents, as well as big names of the scene, almost every night of the week! Take a CNG, Taxi or Rickshaw from any where in town and tell the driver to take you to Dhanmondi 5/A, Opposite to Medinova Medical Center. We are located right opposite Medinova, in a green glass covered building named Bikalpa Tower. Our Uttara branch is located in Sector -13, plot -31, garibey nawaz Ave. 1st floor in a Blue glass covered building Opposite Uttara TAX office 9 and Uttara Bank. * Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Coffee and Drinks * Visa, American Express and Mastercard Hotline-+8801760249144

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