The Oriental Lounge

The Oriental Restaurant deserves all superlatives bestowed on it by critics and locals alike for its authentic Oriental Arabic food. Our Oriental Restaurant has discretely ensured that your food and your drinks are always topped up and then flamboyantly whisk silver lids off earthen dishes with a flourish Arabic flavor, mesmerizing taste with utmost delicacy. Delicate couscous topped with pieces of tender lamb, chicken, and authentic Arabic spices with a bit of sub-continental fusion, what else you need to dine with your be-loved. It is truly a charming place to escape to for a festive assortment of the restaurant’s fresh, flavorful cuisines, salads, dips, breads and its mystical lounges. Its staggering view by day to the romantic flicker of candlelight by night;it is truly middle-eastern, heartily Oriental! We look forward to welcoming you at The Oriental Lounge!

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