Tetrasoft (Mohammadpur)

Welcome to TETRASOFT, The largest chain Cyber Cafe in Dhaka.In the year 1996 three creative computer science students: Mr. S.M. Zulfiquer Haider, Md Mahfuzur Rahman & K.M. Nafiur Rahman of the prestigious North South University started the TETRAD Computers. With their own 386 & 486 configured machines they dared to start providing the Computer sales & Basic Computer Training programs which was at that time the first ITES (IT Enabled Service) initiative in Mohammadpur, Dhaka Bangladesh. Through the journey ‘TETRAD’ Computers started offering services like Broadband Connection for home & Corporate Clients, Cybercafé, Web hosting, Software development and other services. And after a couple of years TETRAD Computers has emerged as ‘TETRASOFT’. Today TETRASOFT has expanded its business wings in Shaheen Complex, Farmgate & Elephant road area. TETRASOFT is committed to minimize the gap between effectiveness and efficiency and to provide the best possible available services within its clients reach.

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