Tabaq Coffee Shop

Tabaq in Arabic means a ‘serving dish’. Launched in 2005, our story started with a family’s passion to serve great-tasting desi food made from homemade recipes. Over the years, TABAQ© has been serving a loyal customer base from a small café in DOHS Baridhara, Dhaka. Now, we think it’s time to rediscover and rebrand ourselves with the promise to serve our customers better, while still sticking to our core. TABAQ COFFEE© hence started in 2013 with the purpose to diversify our product range and continue our passion to serve with a brand new tabaq and coffee that is close-your-eyes-good! Enjoy the same TABAQ©, same passion, now with one of the best coffees in town. Payment Methods:- Visa, American Express, Mastercard and Cash

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