Systems & Services Limited

SSL offers turnkey communication solutions to any customer equirement where the scope of works includes the following: >Customer need assessment >Network design >Product outsourcing >Project management >After sales support The company is creating the foundation for the future providing end-to-end solutions for integrated applications on corporate and industrial automation increasing productivity while decreasing relative cost of production. The different solution packages offered by the company are as follows: Voice, data and video solutions (TDM or IP PBX, local and/or wide area network, video conferencing, cable TV network, video broadcasting, internet access platform, VoIP gateway, unified messaging system, voice mail system,etc.) Facility management (employee movement management, access control, asset management, security and safety management, energy management, etc.)Industrial automation solutions (data acquisition, remote monitoring and control, etc.) Service management solutions (hotel management, hospital management,operations support system, billing system, etc.)Commercial lighting and sound solutions (cinema, theater, etc.)

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