
|StyleSell is a luxury fashion house specializing in wedding couture that is set amidst the lavish Gulshan area. It showcases the latest trends for women, men, teens and kids with a wide selection of high-end fashion apparels, jewelry, shoes, bags and accessories. StyleSell offers a plethora of in-store services to enrich the shopping experience in order to obtain the desired image of a customer, e.g. wardrobe consulting, color analysis, personal shopping etc. All products are unique statement pieces that tell stories of heritage, luxury and status when worn. Call it one of a kind or difficult to find; each of StyleSell's products have an aura of uniqueness around them, as if they were made for the individual wearing them. Products:- * Main Lines | Womenswear, Menswear, Kidswear | * Wedding Line | Bridal Clothing, Groom Clothing, Bridal Jewelry, Wedding Accessories | * Product Variations | Long Dresses, Sarees, Kamizes, Abayas, Panjabis, Jewelry, Dress Accessories, Bags, Shoes, Fabrics |

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