Street BBQ

Street BBQ! the first ever restaurant in Dhaka to bring you LIVE CHARCOAL #BARBECUES made freshly with BRAC Chicken, marinated with at least 30 natural seasoning and herbs for at least 1 Day before serving to you, to make the perfect savory delicacies. Then the BARBECUES are served on your plate with Spicy Sweet Lemon Orange Peri-Peri Barbeque Sauce! with varieties of Yammy Side Dishes of your choice like FRENCH FRIES, ARABIAN CHICKEN RICE, FRIED RICE, COLESLAW SALAD, ITALIAN PASTA, GARLIC BREAD, THAI SOUP, GRILLED POTATO WEDGES, SMOKED VEGETABLES, GARDEN SALAD, SWEET CORN etc. We have both A/C Indoor Sitting Arrangement as well as Roof Top Open Sky Sitting Arrangement. You can Plan any kind of Small Get-Together / Birthdays / Parties etc at Street BBQ while you can watch the LIVE BBQ made just in front of u! Location: Opposite of International Convention City Bashundhara, 300 Feet Road, Bashundhara R/A, at Bashundhara R/A Parking Parking: Street and car park Specialties Serves lunch, dinner, drinks and coffee Services Delivery Good for groups or parties Outdoor seating Takes bookings Takeaway Table service Walk-ins welcome

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