Street 11 Restaurant

Street 11 Restaurant Ltd, which is a sister concern of mother’s care. Street 11 began its delicious journey on 14th August, 2012. In the heart of Dhaka city, this is a unique restaurant that is dedicated to healthy eating. Street 11 not only wants the satisfaction of taste buds but also wants to pave into your lifestyle that is conquered by health consciousness. Eating outside of home is often associated with everything negative; obesity, cholesterol, bad hygiene and the list goes on. Yet, Bangladesh is going through an overall transformation in its daily habits. Street 11 combines the changing trend of Bangladeshi taste buds and healthy ingredients to present to you a palette of succulent, amazing flavors. The mouthwatering Roasted chicken is prepared by prolonged roasting so that the excess fat melts down, and if your concern is hygiene, Street 11 is the perfect place for people who check, recheck and again check whether the plate is absolutely spotless or not. Try out our variety of dishes and enjoy the comforting ambiance after a busy Dhaka day. We look forward to serving you soon!!!!! * Visa, American Express, Mastercard and Cash

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