Step Media Ltd.

Step Media Limited is a market leader in print production and one of the most integrated Printing, Publishing, Signage and Display solution companies in Bangladesh. Our aim is to give you value added solutions that meet the most demanding of needs. We have been supplying quality products for the country over 15 years and have vast industry experience to deal with any requirements you may have. Step Media Limited was formed in June 1998. Initially we started as a Media Development Center, along with a market research and development wing and computerized digital image printing facility. Eventually, software development, Event Management & other related functions joined its flow to complement its operations. Along with computerized digital image printing facility, we can provide the most innovative planning, designing & the latest tools in organizing Event Management Programs for both local and events held abroad. We demand the best in quality, delivery and customer service. Our technology is the best in the industry which enables Step Media Limited to stay ahead of the competition and guarantee the finest end result. We provide in printing, digital printing large format, house design, pre-press services and post press services. Step Media Limited A name of glory, a name of trust; welcome you in the digital world; making the virtual dreams material. Our goal is to meet and exceed the expectations of every client by offering outstanding customer service, increase flexibility, and greater value. Thus, optimizing system functionality and improving operational efficiency. Our associates are distinguished by their functional and technical expertise combined with their hands-on experience, thereby ensuring that our clients receive the most effective products and professional services. Step Media Limited provides a complete outsource of technology, infrastructure and customer support to enable the enterprise to mass-deploy these solutions to its Business Partners as an affordable service. Company has pioneered a range of innovations setting new standards of service, which its competitors have subsequently sought to follow. Despite Step Media Limited’s growth the service still remains customer driven with an emphasis on value for money, quality, reliability and innovation. Step Media Limited has 17 branch offices and now employs almost 1200 people nationwide.

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