STAR Cineplex

The First Multiplex Cinema Theatre in Bangladesh STAR CINEPLEX : Show Motion Limited, incorporated in 19th December 2002, pioneered the modern Multiplex Movie Theater industry with STAR Cineplex brand in Bangladesh. With lucid vision for the entertainment development in the country, the local and foreign promoters of Show Motion Ltd. started the first international quality state-of-the-art multiplex cinema theatre on 8th October 2004 in Bangladesh at Bashundhara City Mall at Panthapath, Dhaka. STAR Cineplex now has four fully digital cinema screens with state-of-the-art 3D Projection Technology, Silver Screens, Dolby-Digital Sound and stadium seating. With a total capacity of 1,286 seats the theater has large lobby with full concession stands serving pop-corns, soft drinks, ice-creams and many other items. In addition to scheduled shows, STAR Cineplex also caters to special corporate bookings, red-carpet premieres and private events. Visit for updated movie schedules and online ticket purchase. Our Goal Our goal is to provide the most modern, comfortable, cinema viewing experience of Hollywood and quality Dhallywood releases for a locally adjusted price for our youth and family centered audiences in Dhaka . We aim to be the highest-value entertainment provider in Bangladesh with integrity & professionalism in every step.

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