Srl Cosmos Trawl Ltd

In September 2008, a partnership agreement between Sea Resources Ltd. and Cosmos Trawl A/S was signed for entering into a Danida B2B project. This was the first step taken towards establishing the present joint venture company SRL Cosmos Trawl Ltd. In the following period, the new SRL Cosmos Trawl Ltd. netloft at Karnaphuli was built and in April 2010 the “roof tree raising” was blessed by the Danish Minister of Development, the Honorable Chittagong City Mayor and the Danish Ambassador of Royal Danish Embassy in Dhaka. To ensure a smooth daily operation, secure the training of the local net maker team and to generally oversee Danish quality equipment being built in the Karnaphuli netloft, Mr. Eirikur H. Sigurgeirsson (Erik) was hired to take on the position as Chief Technical Advisor. Erik was stationed in Chittagong and has been a key figure for our success ever since. He, together with the Danish trawl design team and our valued customers, has developed modern fishing gear equipment for the Bay of Bengal for many years.

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