Southern Medical College & Hospital

outhern Medical College & Hospital (SMCH) was established 2006 aiming to give nation a group of luminous medical graduates who can help the have-nots by providing highest possible quality of compassionate and cost-effective care and treatment, to each and every patient, producing high levels of patient satisfaction. The main object of the institute is to demonstrate high-standard of medical education, training of personnel and to conduct experiments and research in various disciplines of medical sciences. The aim of our college is not to make only doctors but to make sensible human being. The number of medical college is not enough to meet the requirement of people. To make our students dynamic we have already contacted some foreign medical colleges to get real time lessons from reputed medical college through teleconferencing, video conferencing, etc. Our faculties are not only teachers but mentors as well. Our institution has facilities to train Medical and Paramedical staff. We are committed to enhance the quality of life through improved health care, the preparation of those professionals who will serve the health needs of others and the discovery of knowledge that will benefit us all. We cannot deny social responsibility but why did we chose health sector? The ratio of physicians to patients is inadequate in Bangladesh. Moreover, most of the people can not afford the cost of treatment. All around us, humans are suffering from painful bite of maladies of different kinds and we cannot remain heedless to their cries. To fight against the diseases and to cure and comfort men and women we set up this medical college that is equipped with all modern facilities which has a charitable air. Here poor people get the best treatment without any discrimination. Our hospital is functioning quite well. We are planning to make specialized departments in our hospital block. Initially our focal point is to be specialized in Nephrology. So we have taken initiative to set up the facility of Kidney dialysis. It is notable that only two hospitals in Chittagong have this facility but the low income group people do not have the access to this service, but the door of Southern Medical College & Hospital is always open to those deprived people. Secondly, we are contemplating to develop our Orthopedic Department as Chittagong is still lagging behind in this arena. But we never say our way was smooth and throne free but we overcame all the impediments. We will keep our endeavor moving forward but we need people of all social strata, specially parents and students to stand beside us to make this noble effort successful. We believe we can make a better future by co-operating each other.

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