Solarland Bangladesh Co. Ltd.

Founded in 2003, Solarland has evolved to meet the ever increasing demand for solar energy products and power solutions. Our commitment and partnerships with our customers, continuous investment in facilities, equipment & technology have made Solarland a market leader. We are proud to have our products being distributed across all continents. In Bangladesh we started our journey in 2011. Now we are a team of 20 plus in number. Last year (2013) our annual sale was 1 million of solar panel and more than 1 million of low voltage DC LED lights in Bangladesh market only. Our Main goal is to mitigate the energy crisis in Bangladesh and creating a revolution in renewable energy sector. Our Bangladesh branch office and warehouse facility is located at Dhanmondi area of Dhaka city . The warehouse offers immediate delivery of most of our products, including popular size panels, portable solar chargers, controllers and lighting products BANGLADESH OFFICE Flat#5/A, Commercial House 57/3 & 57/4, West Panthapath, Dhaka-1205 +88-02-9136083

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