
Solar Intercontinental (SOLARIC) Ltd. is a Bangladeshi registered Research and Product Development Company in the field of Renewable Energy (Solar) since 2004. A foreign investment is made by SEAF Bangladesh Venture LLC, USA that allowed the company to go into commercial operation in 2011 to productize the newly invented technology. With 2 factories established and operated by over 300 employees, the company is producing thousands of Energy Efficient Solar Home Systems per month since June 2011. SOLARIC develops new and appropriate technologies such as 3G-SHS, Nano-Grid, and manufacturing the product and distributing them through its own network and partners. The core technology to be used in all SOLARIC products is the Micro-Inverter, also known as SOLAR OPTIMIZER for off-grid solar applications, invented in Bangladesh and patented both in Bangladesh and in the US. This world-class technology is now being used in combination with our own SOLARIC brand of Energy Efficient Appliances such as LED light and Energy Saving Fan which reduces the energy consumption significantly, and thereby reducing the initial cost of the solar system by as much as 50% relative to the traditional Solar Home system. There are four specific projects for which we are looking for Funding in. They are: (A) 3rd Generation Solar Home System (3G-SHS), (B) Solar System Upgrade through 3G Technology (3G-Up), (C) Nano-Grid, (D) Nano-Grid with Irrigation

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