Society for Assistance to Hearing Impaired Children (SAHIC)

Society for Assistance to Hearing Impaired Children (SAHIC) is a voluntary non-Government Organization established in February 1987 with the aims and objectives of prevention, early detection and rehabilitation of the hearing impaired, specially children along-with the treatment of ear, nose, throat and diseases of the head and neck that may cause hearing impairment. SAHIC is the brain child of Prof. M. Nurul Amin, MBBS (DAC); DLO (Lond); FRCS (Edin), FCPS (BD), PhD (Hony), an eminent ENT Specialist and Medical Teacher. The conception of establishing the Society came from his personal experience about the magnitude of problem of hearing impairment amongst the population in Bangladesh as a practitioner in the Ear Nose and Throat specialty and from the inspiration received from Ms. Rosi Gollmann, President of Andheri Hilfe, e.V. Bonn, a philanthropic Organization of Germany, supporting the prevention and treatment program of BNSB Chittagong since 1973 alongwith over few hundred voluntary Organization in India, Bangladesh and Bhutan in the field of prevention and treatment of blindness, leprosy and poverty alleviation. This was coincided with the UN declaration and WHO resolution passed in the General Assembly of 1986 about the hearing disability and identification of ear infection as the major cause of hearing impairment. According to WHO 65% of the total hearing impairment/deafness are preventable and avoidable.

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