SMARTEX (Cox's Bazar Outlet)

Smartex started its journey with the passion of bringing stylish fashion into Bangladesh. Our motto is to combine fashion with culture. We value quality and aesthetic design to make you look stylish. SMARTEX has 20 outlets over the country. SMARTEX is proud to announce that we will take orders online from now on. We want our customers to be able to reach out to us anytime, anywhere. We provide you with the luxury of ordering your products online, and getting it delivered at your doorstep. No more waiting in traffic for long hours, no more waiting in lines, no more wasting your precious time. ***FREE HOME DELIVERY*** To order online, pls follow the following instructions: # pls send a message in inbox for any queries, with Code+ Link+ Album Name. # payment will be done on delivery # deliveries only possible within Dhaka (Gulshan, Banani, Uttara, Mirpur, Dhanmondi) # Booking once done, it cannot be changed or cancelled. # delivery will take place within 3 working days. # you can also pick up your product from any nearest SMARTEX outlet after booking. # for any other queries, please contact :01678029793 Hotline:-01678-029793

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