SM Pest Control (Mirpur 10)

Pest Control Services in Bangladesh "Quality of the job depends less on the sales person than on the individual who does the work." We are operating under the leadership of Mr. Saiful Islam Rana. He is one of the technically qualified operators of the pest control industry having over 25 years of rich experience in various aspects of pest management. He regularly participates in workshops & conferences to bring in updated Technologies & knowledge. Our management & staff SMPCS is a licensed pest management company & also is member of the Bangladesh Pest Management Association (BPCA). We are a customer friendly company which provides quick, efficient, high quality & tailor made services to residential & commercial customers efficient management has been one of our prime intentions. Our client friendly staff is well equipped to handle all our customers and duly satisfy their needs. We have also managed to computerize our administrative system. We continuously conduct in house & onsite training to our entire staff. This helps us providing prompt, updated & customer friendly services. Our approach to pest control is Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM is our watch ward, which approach applies the principles of using preventive measures to control pest entry rather than only relying on elimination of pests. Our entire focus of pest management is to consider the possible impact on future generations without compromising on quality services to our customers. With the continual requests from our esteemed clients, we have successfully expanded our operations to major cities and towns. This shall enable our clients to avail the same quality services in the above-mentioned places. We offer the services in Dhaka, Chittagong, Comilla , Cox's Bazar, Khulna, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Rangpur, etc.

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