Six Seasons Hotel

Six Seasons Hotel (Dhaka) offers comfortable, luxurious, and modern guestrooms overlooking the pristine Gulshan lake and embassies. Relax at our serene full-service spa rooms equipped with Jacuzzis after a long, tiring day. Spend a day in our health & wellness center - complete with Dhaka's first hanging rooftop, heated, salt-water infinity pool (& Children's pool), Saunas, Steam rooms, and Gym. Come indulge yourself in our 3 restaurants- served fresh and to order by our Korean, Japanese, Thai, and Chinese chefs. With two spacious banquet halls, and numerous meeting spaces, Six Seasons Hotel finally fills the void for luxury, comfort, and convenience in Dhaka's hospitality market. Come witness the many secrets and thrills that this new boutique hotel offers. Six Seasons Hotel- we are redefining luxury.

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