Sigree Dhaka

Initially reserved for the tables of royalty, lost flavours from North Western India now come to you with Sigree. Sigree tries to revive the lost art of slow cooking, using fresh and pure flavours and ingredients, keeping it simple and minimalistic, the true taste of Maharajas. The menu is inspired by the slow charcoal fire of the simple iron vessel called 'Sigree', and the timeless taste it renders in food. Cooked to perfection over a charcoal flame, this century-old method of cooking is key to bringing out the beauty in the dishes Each dish in the carefully researched and restored menu brings back the mouth-watering simplicity of original Indian cuisine. Restaurant & Banquet | Fine Dining International chain restaurant Our chefs and staff are trained in-house via our international training and culinary gurus to maintain the quality and consistency of the brand. * Indian/Pakistani Food * Lunch and Dinner * Visa, American Express, Mastercard and Cash

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