Shurjo Mukhi

shurjoMukhi is all about envisaging and creating a future that we would all like to live in and leave behind. A future where communication is as natural as a smile, a future where we are not depended only on grid electricity to charge up our laptops, mobile phones or power our household lights and gadgets.It is about doing essential things like online banking,online bill payment and shopping on the Internet from your mobile or laptop – easy and available as sunshine on a bright sunny day. With our relentless pursuit in making e-commerce, remittance systems, payment gateways and telecommunications solutions as available as possible, we are determined to contribute in making the living spaces be it real and virtual as affordable and enjoyable as possible . In short, our main focus is the proverbial next billion to whom traditional vendors and solutions providers will not go. But we will.Help us create that future.

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