Shameem refrigeration works ltd. (Gulshan-1 Branch)

M/S. Tropicano Refrigeration Company manufacture the above items under the brand name "TROPICA" which won the approval of the Register of trade marks, Government of Bangladesh, Dhaka. The products also won standardization certificate from the institute of standards and testing (BSTI) Govt. in Bangladesh i.e. ISO 9002. For this product we offer "Product Guarantee" for 02 (two) years. The product- Water heater starts from 10 Gallon to 150 Gallon per hour heating capacity. Higher capacity heaters are also manufactured against specific order of our valued clients. From the day of establishment in 1976, we cherished the desire to market Air- conditioner. In our quest for finding a world-renowned manufacturer, we managed to contact the manufacturers of KENT brand Air-conditioner after a long interval. Now we are the exclusive, distributor of World famous KENT brand Air-conditioner in Bangladesh.

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