Sarco Estate Agents

SARCO ESTATE AGENTS LTD has been established to revolutionize property management and solution in Bangladesh by bringing together property seekers and property owners under one roof. It is a government-approved organization that creates a single, organized property marketplace for everyone involved in the property market. In the recent years property market has grown at an enormous rate in Bangladesh, leaving opportunities for related businesses to develop and expand. Due to this growth many individual brokers and realtors, without any government approval, have emerged rapidly. This has led to unorganized management of properties all over the country, where the buyers and the sellers have no particular marketplace to conduct their activities. This is in contrast to the western countries where professional agencies or realtors handle property marketing, management, and solution. SARCO is one of such expert realtor, offering highly professional service in the field of realty: Property Management/ Property Tenancy/ Property Buy and Sell, including personalized service by carrying out consultancy work, market research, and providing reputed solicitors to deliver legal support and solution. We claim ourselves to be the ‘specialists’ in this line of business and provide one-stop service and professional judgment to our clients. All your property needs can be handled while you rest assure that the solution to your property is in expert’s hand. Please feel free to browse through our website and find out details about what SARCO ESTATE AGENTS LTD can do for you.

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