Sadakalo (Dhanmondi)

Despite a mere commercial aim, Sadakalo's brand venture starts from the thought of making a dream come true. A dream that consists of a spectacular range of limitless designs that can spark of with the simple combination of the two monochrome colours - Black and White. Fashion is an inevitable part of an individual's life. A designer's motive is to create a feeling of unexpressed desire- so that after hours of passionate work is put into something; the person who required it would be just as passionate to be the one to own it. SadaKalo carefully works on it's products keeping that one motivating factor in mind. The 4th of October 2002 brought about the official launch of SadaKalo at Rifles Square in a small scale outlet; filled with expectation and excitement that was larger than life. Within a short span of time, SadaKalo was blessed by the level of inspiration that was brought on by every customer. This thereby led to the opening of the second branch at Banani even before the completion of one year at it's first outlet. The continuous enthusiasm of the people at Sadakalo convinced us to proceed with our third branch at the theatrical region of Baily Road and so on to the fourth and largest outlet branded “Designers’ Corner” at Gulshan Avenue in November, 2006; with the prime aim of bringing together the best of Black and White by non other than the works of top designers. With an overwhelming response from the designers themselves, the showroom was successfully launched featuring 10 top designers in the industry. Our fifth outlet was then launched in April 2008 at uttara from pahela boishakh in 1415. Sadakalo also prides itself in it's unique theme based concepts. In 2004 Eids; Sadakalo introduced identical clothing for Kids under the theme 'TUMi AR Ami Ak CHiMTi'. Renowned Magician Jewel Aich, actress Shampa Reza, Singer Jewel and actress Tamalika modeled for us under this theme. In 2005 Eids, Sadakalo introduced identical clothing for the couples with the theme 'Ami Tomar Songe Bedhechi Amar Pran'. The idol couple Ali Zaker and Sara Zaker graciously carried out the theme to result in a huge success. In 2006 Eids, Sadakalo's Designers' Corner at Gulshan re- established with a whole new perspective. The aim of the outlet was to bring together more than one designer's creation under one roof. Designers such as Bibi Russel, Roxana Salam, Emdad Hoque, Sharbari Dutta, Monapali, Sahrukh Amin and many others have made this outlet exactly what its branded to be with their elegant creations. The key modelling for the theme was done by Bibi Russel. Followed by the same inclination of theme based work, in the year2008, Sadakalo organized the "Sadakalo Fashion for 2008"; in order to showcase the years' latest in fashion in Bangladesh. The purpose in general however was to ensure that the public got a visual heads up on the various styles that will be taking over. The show proudly featured five of the top Bangladeshi fashion designers who presented their collections in Black and White for 2008. Their collections will reflect the upcoming style and idea of Bangladesh fashion. The show also served as a platform for the young designers to be enlightened about the top level style and ideas which in turn may contribute to their success. The show proceeded successfully with plans of continuing on an annual basis so that the fashion enthusiasts of Bangladesh may observe the revolutionary changes.

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