Royal Buffet

Royal Buffet restaurant is specialized in Chinese, Thai, Szechuan, Indian and Kebab dishes. We have brought the best chef’s from Dhaka to serve you the best quality. Our restaurant interior is made international standard so that you feel happy when you will come with your loved ones. The outside view is also beautiful as the restaurant is situated on the fifth & sixth floors. Type of programs we arrange in Royal Buffet are seminar, discussion, meetings, product launch, training, managers meeting, pharmaceutical product briefing and introduction, Birthdays, Engagement, Wedding, Reception, Get together party, annual iftar party etc. Lunch - 50 items & Dinner - 70 items, Lunch Tk 600 + 15% vat+ beverage, Dinner Tk 750 + 15% vat+ beverage, 5-10 years old kids half charge and below 5 complementary with full paid guests. We have a sitting capacity of 200 pax * 2 floors= 400 pax at a time. * Takes Reservations, Walk-Ins Welcome, Good For Groups, Good For Kids, Take Out, Catering and Waiter Service * Opened on March 7, 2013 * Lunch, Dinner and Drinks * Visa, American Express and Mastercard

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