Roshni's collection

Hello everyone!!! its Roshni's my page...see my collections...Some new dress is coming soon......come n grab ur dress........ Roshni’s collection is a rising fashion house in Dhaka city. -> You should make a call OR send a message to confirm your booking -> Business Hour(10am-10pm) -> We Don't Offer Exchange -> The shades may vary slightly from the colors displayed on your screen. -> Delivery within 03 to 07 days after booking ** NOTE: You should take your booked dress/ dresses with in 1-2 weeks. Otherwise your booking will be cancel automatically (OR if you are not doing any contact with us with in the mentioned time frame.)** Payment Procedure: -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. You can pay by using our DBBL Account. A/C Name: A.K.M KHALED A/C No: 114.103.7550 2. You can pay by using our HSBC Account. A/C Name: A.K.M KHALED A/C NO.009015454001 3. OR you can pay by using Sundarban Courier service (to: Name: SoniaHassan,Mirpur-10, Dhaka. cell: 01914716010) General Information: 1.Procedure to get dress is you have to select dress from available collection. 2. Confirm via sms or call at 01914716010 And send your address where to delivery. 3.If inside Dhaka payment will be on delivery (hand to hand). .if outside Dhaka u can pay through bank or courier. Or send Email:

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