Rosebud Restaurant

We are glad to represent, “RoseBud Restaurant” an exclusive fine dining restaurant in 56 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka. Using our experience and passion for food, we are offering various types of cuisine such as; Thai, Chinese, Continental, Indian & Bangladeshi delicacies, prepared from a wide selection of imported finest spices & ingredients. Whether you prefer traditional Indian cooking or Thai you can be sure that two things will never change - the excellence of our food and the standard of our service. “RoseBud Restaurant” is rapidly becoming the destination venue for food lovers. Word of mouth are traveling so fast about the variety of food on our menus and the soothing, refreshing ambience our customers can relish in what is a contemporary and stylish environment. So, whenever you feel the hunger for an extreme delicacy, just give us the opportunity to serve the best! This is our commitment to our valued consumers. * American (New), American (Traditional), Barbeque, Breakfast, Burgers, Chinese, Indian/Pakistani, Sandwiches, Seafood, Steakhouses, Thai and Vegetarian * Hotel Washington's first floor Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh (opposite to Nafi tower ROBI head office) * Takes Reservations, Walk-Ins Welcome, Good For Groups, Good For Kids, Take Out, Delivery, Catering and Waiter Service * Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner * Visa, Mastercard and Cash Hotline-01847090505

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