is a Bangladeshi Online Shopping Portal. launched in January 19, 2012 as an online bookstore and it will soon start selling eBook, Mobile Phones, computers and accessories, cameras, consumer electronics, CDs/DVDs, paintings, tickets, handicrafts, home appliances, apparels, gift items, food, toys and directly imported goods. is an ecommerce venture of Onnorokom Web Services Ltd, a sister concern of Onnorokom Group. We have introduced some path-breaking services like Cash on Delivery all around Bangladesh, Order by Phone, Minimal shipping charge (Only 50 Taka shipping cost on any amount of purchases), Discount. We want to deliver WOW through our Customer Service. Our team makes your online shopping easy & fun with a user-friendly shopping interface. We maintain highly customer-centric practices, including great products and multiple payment options to make shopping with as an easy, smarter and hassle free experience. is on a mission to drive Bangladesh’s most comprehensive virtual business that helps customers make informed choices and extract the best value for their money.

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