Resort Beach View

Resort Beach View is a little piece of paradise in the finest resort destination of the world – Cox's Bazar. It is located only 250 meters away from Sea Beach beside Kolatali Road, Cox’s Bazar. Miles of golden sands, towering cliffs, surfing waves, rare conch shells, colorful pagodas, Buddhist temples and tribes, delightful sea-food this is Cox's Bazar, the tourist capital of Bangladesh. Cox's Bazar is one of the most attractive tourist spots in the world. The warm, shark free, waters are good for bathing and swimming & while the sandy beaches offer opportunities for sun-bathing. It's an ideal Place for family vacation, romantic getaway or even a business trip. Cox's Bazar is known for its wide sandy beach which is claimed to be the world's longest natural sandy sea beach. The uninterrupted 125 km sandy beach slopes down to the blue waters of the Bay of Bengal against the picturesque background of a chain of hills covered with deep green forests. Cox's Bazar is connected both by air and road from Dhaka and Chittagong. Long sun-filled days, relaxing nights and all the comforts of home await you at the Resort Beach View. Whether you desire peaceful naps on the beach or action-packed days teeming with fun-filled activities our resort provides the best starting point. Stay at Resort Beach View for a truly magical Cox’s Bazar vacation experience.

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