Reliance Insurance Ltd. (Bangshal Branch)

A leading First Generation Private Sector Non-Life Insurance Company in Bangladesh, Reliance Insurance Limited (RIL) was incorporated in 1988 as a Public Limited Company and commenced its operation from the same year. Reliance transacts all classes of non-life insurance business in Bangladesh. For the last 27 years, Reliance Insurance Limited, from the very moment of its emergence has shown excellence in all its services for its stakeholders. We at Reliance, realize that for us to prosper, we need to be flexible and responsive, to satisfy our clients by providing them with what they want, when they want and most importantly making an offer fast even before other competitors can think of it. To mark our excellence of past 27 years, we warmly invite you to get yourself acquainted with Reliance Insurance, its products & services, know our esteemed group of sponsors, leadership & management & customer services etc. as you slowly travel the length & breadth of our newly designed website! As always, we look forward eagerly for any opportunity to offer our best services at all times and do appreciate receiving your valuable feedback to make our services even better!

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