Ratanpur Steel Re-Rolling Mills Ltd. (RSRM) (Dhaka Office)

Ratanpur Group started its operation in 1984 with its flagship company Ratanpur Steel Re-Rolling Mills Ltd. (RSRM) to meet the growing demand for high quality deformed bars in the market. The population boom created a housing crisis which led to numerous public and private construction projects, creating a greater demand for our products. The success and goodwill created by this company encouraged us to spread our wings into other markets and confront some of the many problems that plagued our economy. Thus more enterprises were established so that we can have a greater impact in the development of our country. With the passing of time our operations expanded into the manufacturing of jute & quality billet, recycling of ships, providing shipping services, real estate among many others. Today Ratanpur Group comprises of seven successful ventures, some of which are competing in both local and international markets to establish their foothold. Although our ventures have now spread over diverse industries they are all still guided by that single guiding principle under which RSRM began its operation, and that is to have a positive impact on the world as a whole so that we can leave behind a better planet for children than the one we inherited.

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